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Personal Example Dedicated to Parents & Future Parents


Natalia Golubeva and Arthur Razumov

Today you will easily find a variety of different books devoted to the upbringing of children, as well as the multitude of methodologies, each vying with the other in telling about its advantages for children and their parents. But all of the above is a bit too shallow and seems to be wrong.

One of the most crucial points is missing — educate yourself before you start bringing up your children. What for? The answer is easy and sound. Over the years the most important and almost the only people for a child are his or her mother and father — they are the whole world to a child, and it depends on them whether this world is going to be good or bad. The material aspect is vital, but it is much more important to bring up your child in accordance with high morale and spiritual orientation than placing him or her in a prestigious school or university.

Fathers, be Fathers!


O. Nikiforov

This post has not been translated into English yet. If you know Russian or Latvian language, you can help our organization by translating this text into English and emailing it to us at info@rod.lv. We will be very grateful for it.

О теории З. Фрейда и воспитании наших детей

Проходя сегодня мимо лотков с книгами нельзя не радоваться. Но как много отдали бы мы за возможность приобрести эти книги лет 10—15 назад. Помню, какой радостью для меня была покупка в 1984 году в букинистическом магазине Даугавпилса одного тома из собрания Ж. Пиаже. Сегодня же любому из нас предлагают труды З. Фрейда, А. Фрейд, Э. Берна, Т. Харриса, Э. Фромма, многих отечественных и зарубежных психологов, философов. Сегодня З. Фрейд, более других нелюбимый партийными и идеологическими цензорами, прочно занял свое место на нашей книжной полке. К сожалению, стиль изложения его трудов довольно сложен и требует владения как психологической, так и психиатрической терминологией. Поэтому стоит поднять некоторые вопросы психосексуального воспитания ребенка и затронуть те аспекты, в которых неискушенному читателю разобраться было бы трудно.

Situation of Education in Latvia


Arthur Yefimov

The most appropriate word for today's situation of education in Latvia is “a disaster”.

Latvia has its own unique live experience in science and education, yet it does not apply it. Instead, it is using a system that is wide-spread in the West. Meanwhile (and it can be a surprise for most of people) education in schools, colleges and Universities in the West is in even worse condition than here in Latvia. And I've experienced this personally.